Our fees explained

As of the 1st March 2022 we have implemented a new fee structure which we have explained below. If you signed your contract with us prior to the 1st March 2022, please refer to your signed claims pack for our previous fee terms.

Our fees are owed upon a successful claim and will depend on the gross compensation you are offered.

If successful, your fee will be calculated based on which band your redress falls into and will be charged by whichever is the lowest of:

  1. the maximum percentage rate of charge for that band, or

  2. the maximum total charge for that band.

The below table outlines the redress bands, the maximum percentage rate of charge and the maximum total charge is for each band.

Band 1

Redress (£):
1 – 1,499

Charge with VAT

Maximum charge (with VAT)

Maximum charge (without VAT)

Band 2

Redress (£):
1,500 – 9,999

Charge with VAT

Maximum charge (with VAT)

Maximum charge (without VAT)

Band 3

Redress (£):
10,000 – 24,999

Charge with VAT

Maximum charge (with VAT)

Maximum charge (without VAT)

Band 4

Redress (£):
25,000 – 49,999

Charge with VAT

Maximum charge (with VAT)

Maximum charge (without VAT)

Band 5

Redress (£):

Charge with VAT

Maximum charge (with VAT)

Maximum charge (without VAT)

Examples of how this would work in practice:

Band 1

You receive £100 in redress; our fee would be £36.

You receive £1,499 in redress; our fee would be £504.

Band 2

You receive £1,600 in redress; our fee would be £537.60.

You receive £9,999 in redress; our fee would be £3,000.

Band 3

You receive £12,000 in redress; our fee would be £3,600.

You receive £24,999 in redress; our fee would be £6,000.

Band 4

You receive £30,350 in redress; our fee would be £7,284.

You receive £49,999 in redress; our fee would be £9,000.

Band 5

You receive £55,000 in redress; our fee would be £9,900.

You receive £100,000 in redress; our fee would be £12,000.

Please note, the above fee examples are for illustration purposes only. They are not an estimate of the likely outcome or fee you will need to pay. Each claim depends on its own merits.